Here are just a few of the sites I've come across about Tim and related issues that I've been particurally impressed with.:)
In Honor Of: Timothy James McVeigh
Very Well done site in honor of Timothy
Where The Birds Always Sing
My friend's very touching tribute to Timothy..also contains a lot of well expressed anti-death penalty sentiments and activism
Still a man, still human...
Very heartfelt poem and insightful input on Timothy McVeigh from a young writer
Timothy James McVeigh
One of the very first sites on Tim I came across online that gave a fair and compassionate view..very well presented
Enigmacat's survival page
Jane's done it again! ;) Very heartfelt and inspired insights on the current war and the human rights conflicts it is bringing to the world..
Amnesty International
Amnesty International's Crusade Against Capital Punishment and other such human rights violations
National Coalition to Abolish The Death Penalty
Anti Death Penalty activism